Sunday, October 12, 2008

Heidi by Johanna Spyri

Friday, May 16, 2008

19th Century Women Authors

"Heidi" is a wonderful, classic children's book especially for little girls. At the age of four, Heidi is hauled up the mountain by her aunt to live with her grandfather. Of course, the Alm's Uncle is a hermit and everyone in the village below is frightened of him. But Heidi charms him as well as everyone else she comes in contact with, except for that aunt. The story tells of the wonders of living high up on a mountain, cavorting with the goats, and living on bread and cheese. After a few years, the aunt returns and takes Heidi to Frankfurt to be a companion to an older crippled girl, Klara. Again she charms everyone except for the housekeeper. Heidi pines away for her grandfather and is eventually returned to him. Klara comes to visit the mountain, etc. etc. There is a heart felt ending that I don't want to give away if you haven't read this story. Although not nearly as well-written and interesting as "Anne of Greene Gables", I can see "Heidi" as a precursor for the later book. It's a fun book to read.
Rating: 4
Posted by Framed at 8:22 PM

gautami tripathy said...
This is one of all time favourite books. Now my copy is owne by my youngest niece!Thanks!
5/17/2008 5:51 AM
Nicola said...
Oh, I loved this so much as a little girl! I've never re-read it though, maybe it's time!
5/17/2008 7:27 AM
Jeane said...
My mother read Heidi to me when I was young, and it has remained a favorite. I'm going to read it to my daughter soon.

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